A. innovators
B. early adopters
C. middle majority
D. laggards
Related Mcqs:
- The competitors in the introductory stage of product life cycle are?
A. few
B. continuously growing
C. stable but declining
D. none of the above - The stages such as awareness stage, conviction stage, liking stage, preference stage and actual purchase stage are all stages of the process called?
A. channeling stages
B. buyer readiness stage
C. channel designing stages
D. strategic stages - The sales of products in introductory stage are recorded by the company as?
A. low sales
B. rapidly rising
C. peak sales
D. gradually declining - The profits related to the new product in its introductory stage are?
A. negative
B. continuously rising
C. higher
D. declining - The customers, distributors and suppliers collectively provide ideas for new-product development are classified asThe customers, distributors and suppliers collectively provide ideas for new-product development are classified as?
A. idea’s external sources
B. acquisition of ideas
C. primary sources
D. secondary sources - The customers in growth stage of life cycle of products are classified as?
A. innovators
B. early adopters
C. middle majority customers
D. laggards - The customized products and services for customers and interaction to individual customers are the part of _________?
A. retailer’s management
B. customer relationship management
C. Company relationship management
D. supplier management - The PLC concept which consists of longest life cycles is classified as?
A. product classes
B. product forms
C. branding
D. product perception - The stage of product life cycle in which the product has achieved acceptance from its potential buyers is called?
A. maturity stage
B. productive stage
C. improved market stage
D. profit achieved stage - The services or products that customers buy immediately after noticing are classified as?
A. augmented product or services
B. convenience products and services
C. shopping goods or services
D. sought products or services