A. Above the proportional limit a material function in a plastic manner, while below the proportional limit it behaves as an elastic
B. Above the proportional limit a material functions in an elastic manner, while below the proportional limit it behaves as an plastic
C. Either A or B
D. Neither A or B
Dental Materials
Dental Materials Mcqs for preparation. These Mcqs are helpful for Medical students. Dental Materials Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for entrance examinations and other competitive examinations for all Experienced, Freshers and Students.
A. Type I and Type II gold can be heat treated and annealed
B. Type III and Type IV gold can be heat treated and annealed
C. Type I and IV gold can be heat treated and annealed
D. All the type of gold can be heat treated and annealed
A. Methyl methacrylate
B. Benzoyl peroxide
C. Hydroquinone
D. D-methyl paratolouidine
A. B.P of water
B. < B.P of water
C. Equal of BP of water
D. Is at normal room temperature
A. Resin
B. Filler
C. Resin & Filler
D. None
A. Higher solubility in saliva
B. Lower modulus of elasticity
C. Esthetic excellence
D. Lower thermal co-efficient of expansion
A. Anterior restorations
B. Temporary bridges
C. Denture base
D. All of the above
A. Cold water
B. Hot water
C. Under tap water
D. Under vacuum pressure
A. A prolonged curing cycle
B. Lack of sufficient pressure applied to flask
C. Insufficient acrylic resin monomer
D. Prolonged bench cooling after curing
A. Glycol dimetharylate
B. Benzoyl peroxide
C. N-para toluidine
D. Methyl methacrylate