A. unfair appraisals
B. fake appraisals
C. true appraisals
D. Both A and B
HRM Mcqs
HRM Mcqs Mcqs for Preparation of Fpsc, Nts, Kppsc, Ppsc, and other test. these Mcqs are from the basics of Introduction to Human Resource Management to advance level. Prepare for HRM online on PakMcqs
A. halo effect
B. bias
C. central tendency
D. difficult to develop
A. critical incident method
B. forced distribution method
C. behaviorally anchored rating scale
D. paired comparison method
A. avoids central tendency and biases
B. avoids central tendency and biases
C. provides behavioral anchors
D. end up with predetermined rating figures
A. lenient/strict tendency
B. biasing tendency
C. central tendency
D. different tendencies
A. difficult to develop
B. cause of disagreements
C. time consuming
D. ranking is based on employer’s cutoff points
A. satisfactory-promotable interview
B. satisfactory-not promotable interview
C. unsatisfactory-correctable interview
D. unsatisfactory-uncorrectable interview
A. avoids central tendency and biases
B. avoids central tendency and biases
C. provides behavioral anchors
D. ongoing basis evaluation
A. continuous evaluating
B. continuous re-evaluating
C. never evaluating performances
D. evaluating for salary purposes
A. graphic rating scale method
B. forced distribution method
C. alternation ranking method
D. paired comparison method