A. Humecants
B. Plasticizers
C. Sweetners
D. All the above
Related Mcqs:
- The method of food preservation in which food containing permanently sealed container is subjected to an elevated for a definite period of time and than cooled is known_____________________?
A. Canning
B. Sterilization
C. Pasteurization
D. None of These - Food substances enter in food stuffs accidentally during production, processing, storage and handing often referred 10 as___________________?
A. Food contaminations
B. Food adulterants
C. Food additives
D. All the above - The oldest food preservation techniques are ___________________?
A. Drying and dehydration
B. Sun drying
C. Browning
D. None of these - The food colour measurement can be obtained by ___________________?
A. Spectrophotometer
B. Tint meters
C. Disc colourimetry
D. All the above - The function of acids in food is to_____________________?
A. Intensity & modified the taste
B. Act as ciectton pair accpot
C. Act as microbial inhibitor
D. All the above - Cane sugar is called___________________?
A. Fructose
B. Sucrose
C. Galactose
D. Mattose - When sugars heated under controlled conditions in the absence of water, they form an hydro sugar, that readily polymerized to give typical taint and brown pigment this process is called _________________?
A. Mail lard reaction
B. Caramalization
C. Browning
D. Purification - In dairy industry, the most often used bacteria to convert milk sugar to lactic acid are___________________?
A. Streptococcus
B. Lactobacillus
C. Acetobacter
D. Both a & b - major source of sugar in world is________________?
A. Dates
B. Sugar cane
C. Watermelons
D. Beet roots - Sugar cane is_____________________?
A. C3 plant
B. C4 plant
C. C2 plant
D. None of the above