

A. Rates master spatial tasks much more easily than typical configural learning tasks
B. Spatial learning operates according to principles identical to those that underlie classical and instrumental conditioning procedures
C. Exposure top an environment can allow the animal to forma a cognitive map of the environment
D. The animal is then able to negative because it knows its own position with respect to its internal representation environment

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A. Pavlov’s standard procedure, involved the following: a dog was given access to food, and each presentation was accompanied (usually slightly preceded by the occurrence of a neutral event, such as a flashing light
B. After several training trials (pairings of light and food), the dog would salivate at the flash of light, before any food had appeared
C. Salivation at the presentation of food is called a conditioned response
D. The event that evokes the conditioned response is referred to as a conditioned stimulus

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