A. Pinkish
B. Brownish
C. Bright red
D. Red
Related Mcqs:
- Colour changes leading to brown, grey and other in fresh and cured meat can be arise from_____________________?
A. Biochemical changes
B. Physical changes
C. Microbial activity
D. enzyme activity - Part of soil which is in contact with root surface is called___________________?
A. Rhizoshpere
B. Lithoshpere
C. Atmoshpere
D. None of the above - Which is the flavour enhancer in meat products ______________________?
A. Monosodium glutamate
B. Sorbitol
C. Lecithin
D. None of the above - Meat, fruit, vegetables are ___________________?
A. Simple food
B. Complex food
C. Functional food
D. Nutritive food - Chevon meat is a _______________________?
A. Sheep meat
B. Goat meat
C. Buffalo meat
D. Cow meat - Most common rocks, after exposed to weathering which cover about ______% 0f the earth:
A. metamorphic rocks
B. Sedimentary rocks
C. Igneous rocks
D. ShalesSubmitted by: Shafiq Rehman
- If a manure pile is exposed to the rain, what nutrient will be lost the most ?
A. Ca
B. Mg
C. S
D. NSubmitted by: Shafiq Rehman
- Fresh foods have water activity (Aw) of____________________?
A. 0.99
B. 1.0
C. 1.6 - The storage life of fresh beef at 34ºF with R.H of 92% is_________________?
A. 1-3 weeks
B. 1-4 weeks
C. 1-6 weeks
D. 1-8 weeks - Accumulation of Al and Fe oxides and clays coming from the upper profile layers:
A. Zone of eluviation
B. Zone of Illuviation
C. Zone of evaluation
D. None of the aboveSubmitted by: Shafiq Rehman