A. Stable foods
B. Semi perishable foods
C. Perishable foods
D. Acid food
Related Mcqs:
- The moisture content of natural semi-perishable food ranges between_____________________?
A. 50-60%
B. 70-80%
C. 60-90%
D. 50-70% - The food in which the moisture content ranges between 80-90% is called________________?
A. Perishable foods
B. Low perishable foods
C. Stable foods
D. High acid foods - The science which deals with food supply, for human consumption is called_____________________?
A. Food science
B. Food technology
C. Nutritive food
D. Food process - Humectants are moisture retention agents, help improve the rehydration of hydrated food and solubilization of flavour compounds________________?
A. Benzoyl peroxide
B. Nitrosyle chloride
C. Sorbitol
D. Mannitol - The moisture content below which a cohesive soil does stick to metal tools is known as______________________?
A. Liquid limit
B. Plastic limit
C. Sticky limit
D. Alter berg limit - During storing food grains, what is the optimum level of moisture?
A. < 2%
B. < 5%
C. < 12 %
D. No moisture level requiredSubmitted by: Shafiq Rehman
- Foods that fall within the pH range of 5.0 to 4.5 are called_____________________?
A. High acid foods
B. Acid foods
C. Medium acid foods
D. Low acid foods - The method of food preservation in which food containing permanently sealed container is subjected to an elevated for a definite period of time and than cooled is known_____________________?
A. Canning
B. Sterilization
C. Pasteurization
D. None of These - Food substances enter in food stuffs accidentally during production, processing, storage and handing often referred 10 as___________________?
A. Food contaminations
B. Food adulterants
C. Food additives
D. All the above - A woody plant with a climbing growth habit is called_____________________?
A. Stem
B. Shoot
C. Liana
D. Vine