A. coaching
B. mentoring
C. career management
D. career development
Month: August 2021
A. planning
B. preparation
C. follow-up
D. active coaching
A. mentoring
B. employee’s performance
C. career interests
D. developmental needs
A. individual role
B. manager role
C. employer role
D. line manager
A. phased retirement
B. preretirement counseling
C. honoring experience
D. modifying selection procedure
A. numerical analysis of retirements
B. determination of average retirement age
C. planning pension benefits
D. determine extent of retirement problem
A. enterprising oriented
B. investigation oriented
C. social orientation
D. conventional orientation
A. antecedents
B. behavior
C. consequences
D. counseling
A. coaching
B. mentoring
C. informal training
D. formal training
A. individual role
B. manager role
C. employer role
D. line manager