A. keep retirees
B. keep employees
C. retirement benefits
D. talent management
Month: August 2021
A. training and development
B. performance appraisal
C. recruiting and placement
D. compensation and benefits
A. phased retirement
B. pre-retirement counseling
C. talent management
D. modifying selection procedure
A. exploration stage
B. growth stage
C. establishment stage
D. maintenance stage
A. e-commerce integration
B. online training
C. monitoring performance metrics
D. all of above
A. phased retirement
B. preretirement counseling
C. talent management
D. modifying selection procedure
A. stabilization sub stage
B. trial sub stage
C. establishment stage
D. exploration stage
A. mentoring
B. employee’s performance
C. career interests
D. developmental needs
A. realistic oriented
B. investigative oriented
C. social oriented
D. artistic oriented
A. realistic
B. non social
C. investigative
D. non realistic