A. Yoga
B. Meditation
C. Imagery
D. Pep-talk
Related Mcqs:
- ________________________ is a technique in which the muscles are tensed first and than release tension for relaxation?
D. BMR - There are the condition related with stress except________________________?
A. Hyper tention
B. Anaemia
C. Mentalillness
D. Pepticulcer - All of the following are motivational technique except________________________?
A. Positive-selftalk
B. Extrinsic-rewad
C. Goal-setting
D. Cohesion - A_______________________ techniques is any method process procedure or activity that help a person to relax?
A. Training
B. Relaxation
C. Certain relaxing
D. None of these - Ahmmad set a goal to has complete control to deal with the specific techniques and strategies to perform well. He set_________________________goal?
A. Outcome
B. Performance
C. Process
D. Both a & b - The process of soothing the body through physical or mental techniques is called___________________________?
A. Relaxation
B. Coping
C. Arousal
D. All of these - Mental development includes_____________________?
A. External and internal organs
B. Reasoning and thinking
C. Ethical and moral
D. Emotional maturity. - Theories of aggression include_______________________?
A. Instinct theory
B. Social learning
C. Theory of moral reasoning and aggression
D. All of the above - Which of the following are criteria to use in prioritizing goals_____________________?
A. Importance
B. Time sequence
C. Cost-benefit relationship
D. All of the above - Concurrent feedback is provided to the learner______________________?
A. After the activity
B. During the activity
C. Before the activity
D. None of the above
The correct answer to the question: "All of these are relaxation techniques except________________________?" is "Pep-talk".