Related Mcqs:
- A state of mental or emotional strain of tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances is called______________________?
A. Arousal
B. Stress
C. Anxiety
D. All above - An immediate emotional state of apprehension and tension in response to specific situation is call_______________________?
A. Trait anxiety
B. Arosual
C. Stres
D. State anxiety - Through which of the following methods desirable channels are provided for the release of emotional energy______________________?
A. Inhibition
B. Sublimation
C. Catharsis
D. Reparation - At the age of ________________________ the child being to view perceived ability in term of how other children perform?
A. Two or six year
B. Tow or five year
C. Six or seven year
D. None of the above - ________________________ anxiety is a general level of anxiety?
A. Trait
B. State
C. Cognitive
D. None of these - Introverts are interested in ________________________?
A. Others
B. Themselves
C. Both a & b
D. NONE - ________________________ Motivation is basically the internal desire of the players to perform a particular task?
A. Meta motivation
B. Intrinsic motivation
C. extrinsic motivation
D. both a & b - ________________________ is called trait anxiety?
A. anxiety is an unpleasant state of inner turmoil and nervous behavior
B. Anxiety is physical disturbance
C. Both A&B
D. All above - The nerve fibres which carry impulses from the central nervous system to the glands and muscles are called_______________________?
A. motor fibres
B. Afferent
C. Sansation
D. All of the above - What name is given to the growth periods of 11-14 year_____________________?
A. Childhood
B. Puberty
C. Adolescents
D. None of these
The correct answer to the question: "________________________ is a technique in which the muscles are tensed first and than release tension for relaxation?" is "PMR".