A. Hyper tention
B. Anaemia
C. Mentalillness
D. Pepticulcer
Related Mcqs:
- The stress condition is________________________?
A. Advantageous to the performer
B. Detrimental to the performer
C. Neither
D. Helpful in the development of strength. - The stage of the stress response that allows you to continue to function despite the presence of stress is the stage of____________________________?
A. Alarm
B. Resistance
C. Exhaustion
D. primary - Coping with stress is easier if you identify your stress ___________________?
A. Level
B. Trigger
C. Issues
D. None of these - Is an internal state or condition that activates behavior and gives it direction is called________________________?
A. Emotion
B. Motivation
C. Both
D. Feeling - Body assume “fight or flight” condition preparing for emergency situation when the ____________________is active?
D. None - One’s belief to produce a desired result under specific condition is called___________________?
A. Self-confident
B. Self-esteem
C. Self-efficacy
D. Self-awareness - An athlete can use _____________________ strategies to deal with stress?
A. Energizing
B. Motivational
C. Mental
D. Coping - _______________________ is one of the negative type of stress?
A. Eustress
B. Misstress
C. Acute stress
D. Di-stress - Which theory of anxiety suggests that stress and anxiety will influence performance and that each athlete will respond is a unique; way to competitive anxiety___________________________?
A. Drive theory
B. Inverted U-hypothesis
C. Catastrophe theory
D. Optimal arousal theory - Stress is________________________?
A. Advantageous to the player
B. Detrimental to his abilities
C. Both advantageous and detrimental as per the situation
D. None of the above.
The correct answer to the question: "There are the condition related with stress except________________________?" is "Anaemia".