A. ordering goals by importance precedes listing alternatives to achieve goals.
B. investigating the consequences of alternatives precedes ordering goals by importance.
C. ordering goals by importance precedes clarifying goals.
D. there is no emphasis on the relative costs and benefits of each option.
International Relations
International Relations for Preparation – These Multiple Choice Questions are important many competitive examinations, including Competitive Examination (CSS), and university entrance exams. International Relations Mcqs questions are very important for all type of exams conducted by Fpsc, Nts, Kppsc, Ppsc, Spsc, Bpsc, Ots, Uts, Pts, Cts, Ats, etea and other testing agencies of Pakistan.
A. the Prisoner’s Dilemma game
B. the bureaucratic politics model
C. geopolitics
D. peace studies
A. global
B. individual
C. domestic
D. interstate
A. Postmodern peace
B. Common peace
C. Positive peace
D. Anti-militarism
A. difference
B. Marxist
C. postmodern
D. liberal
A. setting goals.
B. calculating the cost and benefits of each possible course of action.
C. evaluating the relative importance of goals.
D. all of these: setting goals, evaluating their relative importance, and calculating the costs and benefits of each possible course of action.
B. the EU
A. International law
B. A security dilemma
C. Common security
D. Collective security
A. the World Court is the most effective forum for success.
B. solutions are not proposed, but communication lines are kept open.
C. there has been a failure in every case where it has been applied.
D. decisions are binding.
A. are more prone to war than male leaders,
B. have held high-level cabinet positions, but have not been elected to lead the government.
C. have not been significantly different from male leaders in making peace or war.
D. are less prone to war than male leaders.