A. Kofi Annan
B. Ban Ki-Moon
C. António Guterres
D. Boutros Boutros-Ghali
International Organization, Law, and Human Rights
International Organization, Law, and Human Rights
A. Association of South East Asian Nations
B. African Union
C. Southern Cone Common Market
D. International Olympic Committee
A. International Olympic Committee
B. Roman Catholic Church
C. Amnesty International
D. United Nations
A. decisions by national courts upheld by the World Court
B. national laws reviewed by the World Court
C. All these answers are correct
D. international custom
A. rarely gain legitimacy in the absence of a world government
B. can become institutionalized through international organizations
C. were established after World War II by the United Nations
D. create common ideas and cultural attitudes across countries
A. UN Environment Program
B. Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees
C. World Health Organization
D. UN Conference on Trade and Development
A. Security Council
B. General Assembly
C. Economic and Finance Council
D. Economic and Social Council
A. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
B. Convention against Torture
C. Convention on the Rights of the Child
D. International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families
A. diplomatic representation
B. diplomatic community
C. diplomatic recognition
D. diplomatic acceptance
A. Universal Treaty on Human Rights
B. United Nations Covenant on International Norms
C. United Nations Declaration of Human Rights
D. Universal Declaration of Human Rights