A. Acid foods
B. Low acid foods
C. Medium acid foods
D. High acid foods
Related Mcqs:
- Guava, tomato, ber and melons are rich in__________________?
A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin B
C. Vitamin C
D. Vitamin D - Propagation of guava is done by___________________?
A. Cutting
B. Suckers
C. Layering
D. Scoin - Guava grown in soils with pH _____________________?
A. 4.5-8.5
B. 5.5-7.5
C. 7.5-9.0
D. 6.5-7.5 - Mango propagation is more successful by_______________________?
A. Shield budding
B. Grafting
C. T-budding
D. Cutting - Mango are planted in which of the following layout system____________________?
A. Quincunx system
B. Square system
C. Contour system
D. Hexagonal system - The year in which mango tree does not produce or produce very small number of fruit is called ________________ ?
A. Lazy year
B. Hunger year
C. Off year
D. None of the above - Mango stock for grafting is raised from ____________________ ?
A. Cutting
B. Budding
C. Stones
D. All the above - Inflorescence of mango ____________________?
A. Cymose
B. Recemose
C. bunch
D. Terminal panicle - Mango is grown in soils with pH__________________?
A. 5.5-7.5
B. 5-8
C. 5.5-8.7
D. 6-8 - Mango fruit can best be cooled by means of___________________?
A. Cold air cooling
B. Hydro cooling
C. Vacuum cooling
D. None of the above