A. Combined system
B. Partially separate system
C. Separate system
D. None of these
Related Mcqs:
- In areas where light rains are uniformly distributed throughout the year, the type of sewerage system to be adopted is_______________?
A. Separate system
B. Combined system
C. Partially combined system
D. None of these - The most efficient cross section of sewers in a separate sewerage system is__________________?
A. Parabolic
B. Circular
C. Rectangular
D. New egged - The drainage area of a town is 12 hectares. Its 40% area is hard pavement ( K = 0.85), the 40% area is unpaved streets (K = 0.20) and the remaining is wooded areas (K = 0.15). Assuming the time of concentration for the areas as 30 minutes and using the formula Ps = 900/(t + 60) the maximum run off is__________________?
A. 0.10 cumec
B. 0.12 cumec
C. 0.15 cumec
D. 0.20 cumec - For a grit chamber, if the recommended velocity of flow is 0.2 m/sec and detention period is 2 minutes, the length of the tank, is__________________?
A. 16 m
B. 20 m
C. 24 m
D. 30 m - The sewerage system consists of______________________?
A. House sewer
B. Lateral sewer
C. Branch sewer
D. All of these - The angle subtended by the surface of sewer water with partial flow, at sewer centre is 120°, the depth of sewerage is________________________?
A. 20 cm
B. 25 cm
C. 40 cm
D. 50 cm - The sewerage system originates from__________________?
A. House sewers
B. Lateral sewers
C. Branch sewers
D. Main sewers - A sewer pipe contains 1 mm sand particles of specific gravity 2.65 and 5 mm organic particles of specific gravity 1.2, the minimum velocity required for removing the sewerage, is_____________________?
A. 0.30 m/sec
B. 0.35 m/sec
C. 0.40 m/sec
D. 0.45 m/sec - The water carried sewerage system removes__________________?
A. Domestic sewage
B. Industrial sewage
C. Storm sewage
D. All the above - The most efficient cross-section of sewers in a combined sewerage system is________________?
A. Parabolic
B. Circular
C. Rectangular
D. New egged