A. Eastern Europe’s stated desire to remain politically close to Russia
B. The division between Eastern and Western Europe over expanding membership in NATO
C. Eastern Europe’s support of the U.S decision to invade Iraq in 2003
D. Western Europe’s rejection of high agricultural subsidies in international world trade negotiations
International Relations
International Relations for Preparation – These Multiple Choice Questions are important many competitive examinations, including Competitive Examination (CSS), and university entrance exams. International Relations Mcqs questions are very important for all type of exams conducted by Fpsc, Nts, Kppsc, Ppsc, Spsc, Bpsc, Ots, Uts, Pts, Cts, Ats, etea and other testing agencies of Pakistan.
A. It cemented communist military control over Southeast Asia
B. It sparked a thaw in relations between the Soviet Union and China
C. It hardened overall American attitudes toward communism
D. It sparked a thaw in relations between China and the United States
A. North America
B. Western Europe
C. the Middle East
D. Japan
A. China
B. Japan
C. Great Britain
D. the United States
E. the Soviet Union
A. Bosnia
B. Croatia
C. Serbia
D. Czechoslovakia
A. dominance
B. reciprocity
C. identity
D. favoritism
A. Macedonia
B. Bosnia
C. Iraq
D. Rwanda
A. were crises during the post-Cold War
B. were crises that ted to World War II
C. were crises that followed the Vietnam War
D. were crises during the Cold
D. substate actors
A. tragedy of the commons
B. collective action
C. free riding
D. hegemony