A. Root
B. Stem
C. leaves
D. Scale leaves
Related Mcqs:
- The food in onion is stored in___________________?
A. Roots
B. stems
C. Flowers
D. Scaly leaves - In potato food is stored in__________________?
A. Root
B. Shoot
C. Leaves
D. Flowers - In plants the food is stored in the form of ____________________?
A. Glycogen
B. Cellulose
C. Fat
D. Strach - The smell in onion bulb is due to________________?
A. Bad odour of soil
B. Much sugar
C. Sulphur compounds
D. Freshy leaves - Anthesis starts in onion. at__________________?
A. 7.00 am
B. 10.00 am
C. 8.00 am
D. 5.00 am - The smell in onion bulb is due to__________________?
A. bad odour of the soil
B. Much sugar
C. Sulphur components
D. Fleshy leaves - The storage life of fresh onion at -1 to -4ºC is____________________?
A. 10-15 weeks
B. 10-25 weeks
C. 12-28 weeks
D. 12-25 weeks - The method of food preservation in which food containing permanently sealed container is subjected to an elevated for a definite period of time and than cooled is known_____________________?
A. Canning
B. Sterilization
C. Pasteurization
D. None of These - Food substances enter in food stuffs accidentally during production, processing, storage and handing often referred 10 as___________________?
A. Food contaminations
B. Food adulterants
C. Food additives
D. All the above - A mutation is a change in_________________?
A. Chromosome number
D. Chromosome structure