A. Vitamin H
B. Vitamin C
C. Vitamin D
D. Vitamin E
Related Mcqs:
- Tomato is good source of vitamin___________________?
A. Vitamin A
B. Vitamin B
C. Vitamin C
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A. Food preservation
B. Food processing
C. Food science
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A. Ribosomes
B. Centrosomes
C. Microsomes
D. Lysosmes - Theory of mutation was given by___________________?
A. Mendel
B. De Vries
C. Tschermak
D. Watson - Colostrums to the young born calf should be given by ___________________________ ?
A. 1/10th of body wt.
B. 1/20th of body wt.
C. 1/5th of body wt.
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A. Tamed animals
B. Domesticated animals
C. Wild animals
D. Trained animals - creep ration is given before ______________________?
A. Calving
B. Weaning
C. Conception
D. Both a & c - Stemming Ration is given during last week of _____________________?
A. Conception
B. Pregnancy
C. Parturition
D. None of above - Flushing ration is given to sheep and goat before ________________________?
A. Parturition
B. Gestation
C. Breeding
D. Heat period - The unique soil environment under the influence of plants roots is called rhizosphere and this term was given by__________?
A. Hiltner
B. Aristotle et al.
C. A.Q khan
D. Helium. S. DenialSubmitted by: Shafiq Rehman