A. adaptation level
B. context
C. intuition
D. frames of reference
Related Mcqs:
- Internal standards used to judge stimuli are referred to as:
A. adaptation level
B. context
C. intuition
D. frames of reference - The ability to focus on stimuli in which we are interested while resisting distracting stimuli is called ________________?
A. concentrated attending
B. stimulus focusing
C. selective attention
D. structured perceiving - The illusion of movement created by presenting visual stimuli in rapid succession is called:
A. convergence
B. retinal disparity
C. motion parallax
D. the phi phenomenon - Weber’s law state that the just Noticeable Difference between stimuli is a (n):
A. Unknown
B. Threshold
C. Puzzle
D. Constant - Concerns with meeting standards of excellence and accomplishing difficult tasks refer to need for___________?
A. Affiliation
B. Achievement
C. Power
D. Apperception - Hammad sets extremely high standards for both himself and others. He tends to be rigid and inflexible and rarely allows himself to enjoy life. Freud would probably conclude that Hammad is dominated by:
A. his id
B. penis envy
C. his neuroticism
D. his superego - The need to master difficult challenges, outperform others, and meet high standards of excellence motive:
A. a competence motive
B. a drive motive
C. an achievement motive
D. an intellect motive - These may be free nerve endings, expanded tip endings or stray endings that are able to detect stimuli of touch pressure, hearing and equilibrium:
A. Photoreceptors
B. Mechanoreceptors
C. Chemoreceptors
D. Thermoreceptors - The simplest form of learning that involves modification of behaviour through a diminution of responses to repeated stimuli:
A. Imprinting
B. Habituation
C. Latent learning
D. Conditioned reflex type II - Behavior that is altered external stimuli or reward is motivated by:
A. Punishers
B. Reinforces
C. Shaping
D. Incentives