A. Italy
B. France
C. Greece
D. Germany.
Related Mcqs:
- _______________________ physical self-concept and body image are all constructs that describe how an individual feel about her physical body ?
A. Realistic anxiety
B. Moral anxiety
C. Both a and b
D. Social physique anxiety - Violation of in setting goals is the most common reason goals are not met_____________________?
A. Rule of regulations
B. Discipline
C. Smart principle
D. Team norms - What aspect of movement refers to body awareness_______________________?
A. To identify the parts of the body and the whole
B. To establish the relationship of the body parts
C. Able to identify the body parts
D. All the above. - Body mind relationship was first promulgated by__________________________?
A. Socrates
B. Plato
C. Hitler
D. Homer. - ___________________are hormones that stimulate protein anabolism in the body?
A. Stimulants
B. Depressant
C. Anabolic steroids
D. Other banned drugs - Body assume “fight or flight” condition preparing for emergency situation when the ____________________is active?
D. None - The process of soothing the body through physical or mental techniques is called___________________________?
A. Relaxation
B. Coping
C. Arousal
D. All of these - What name is given to the growth periods of 11-14 year_____________________?
A. Childhood
B. Puberty
C. Adolescents
D. None of these - External distractions include such things as________________________?
A. Hopes and dreams
B. Bodily sensations
C. Weather conditions, noise and gamesmanship
D. Thoughts and feelings - Through which of the following methods desirable channels are provided for the release of emotional energy______________________?
A. Inhibition
B. Sublimation
C. Catharsis
D. Reparation
The correct answer to the question: "‘Exercise for the body and music for the soul, in which country the common adage was used________________________?" is "Greece".