A. Ducks (mallard, pintail, shoveler, pochard, gargeny, ruddy shelduck)
B. Geese (greyiage, bar-headed)
C. Coots, Flamingoes
D. Pelicans, Spoonbills
E. All of the above
Related Mcqs:
- Important medicinal plants occurring in different provinces of Pakistan are:
A. Boluchistan: Ephedra nebrodensis, Juniperis excelsa, Ferula foetida, Glycyrrhiza glabra
B. Sindh: Cassia angustifolia, Ricinus communis, Commiphora mukul, Citrulus colocynthis
C. Punjab: Cannabis sativa, Fumaria indica, Cassia fistula, dhatoda vesica, Datura alba
D. KPK: Artimestia maritime, Hyoscyamus niger, Dioscorea deltoidea, Valeriana wallichii
E. All of the above - The Wetlands are one of the most important:
A. Wintering areas
B. Green routes in Asia
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these - The non-green plants are as important as the green plants because they:
A. Cause human disease
B. Cause diseases of other plants
C. Are useful in several industries
D. Bring about decomposition of dead animals and plant remains - The important features of evaluation of site for plantation purposes are:
A. Geomorphology
B. Soil features
C. Hydrologic features
D. Vegetation features
E. All of the above - The most important species yielding these fruits are:
A. Berberis lycium (Rasaunt)
B. Cordia myxa (Lasura)
C. Diospyros lotus (Amlok)
D. Embtica officinalis (Amla)
E. All of the above - Trees play an important role in:
A. Supply of clean air
B. They absorb carbon-dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these - The important roles played by the forests are:
A. Productive
B. Protective
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these - Use of Media such as _______ can go a long way to convince the people regarding the important role vegetation plays in soil and water conservation and improvement of the landscape:
A. T.V.
B. Radio
C. Film
D. Strips
E. All of the above - An important agrostological technique to check soil erosion in the initial stages is:
A. Ley farming
B. Land retirement
C. Basin listing
D. Contour farming - Important plants in the Kohistan ranges forest grazing lands are:
A. Trees/Shrubs: Acacia nilotics, A. Senegal, Barleria acanthoides, Calotropis procera
B. Grasses: Aristida adscensionis, A. Nutabilis Cenchrus ciliaris, C. Biflorus
C. Forbs: Aerva tomentosa, Cassia holosericea, Convolvulus glomeratus, Crotolaria biforia
D. All of the above
The correct answer to the question: "The important waterfowl in Pakistan are:" is "All of the above".