A. No time
B. In ten minutes
C. In five minutes
D. In fifteen minutes
Related Mcqs:
- Carbon monoxide is a major pollutant of:
A. Water
B. Air
C. Noise
D. Soil - Carbon monoxide is a pollutant because:
A. It reacts with O2
B. It inhibits glycolysis
C. Reacts with haemoglobin
D. Makes nervous system inactive - The toxic effect of carbon monoxide is due to its greater affinity for haemoglobin as compared to oxygen by (appro.)
A. 20 times
B. 100 times
C. 2 times
D. 200 times - Which of the following is most poisonous?
B. CO2
C. C
D. SO2 - Hazards include all those factors that can injure or kill an animal (natural factors)
A. Fire, rain and wind as well as man made structures such as roads and fences
B. Thus challenging an animal’s physiological capacity as to prevent it from reproducing successfully
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these - The air pollution caused by phosphate fertilizer factories is due to:The air pollution caused by phosphate fertilizer factories is due to:
A. Phosphene
B. SiF4
C. Dust
D. Halogens - The processes involving the transformation of carbon compounds on earth include:
A. Only the plants
B. Both biological and non-biological processes
C. Only the living organisms
D. Only the animals - Which of the following is logical sequence of carbon cycle:
A. Photosynthesis-consumer-decomposer
B. Decomposer-consumer-photosynthesis
C. Photosynthesis-decomposer-consumer
D. Consumer-photosynthesis-decomposer - Carbon cycle includes:
A. Producer, consumer, decomposer
B. Producer, consumer, producer
C. Producer, decomposer, consumer
D. Consumer, producer, decomposer - A hydrocarbon having the following number of carbon atoms doesn’t exist freely in the atmosphere:
A. C16
B. C18
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. C10
The correct answer to the question: "Carbon monoxide is a poisonous gas, 1% of which in the air can kill a person in:" is "In five minutes ".