A. Only the plants
B. Both biological and non-biological processes
C. Only the living organisms
D. Only the animals
Related Mcqs:
- If there were no CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere, the temperature of earth’s surface would have been:
A. same as present
B. Less than the present
C. Higher than the present
D. Dependent on the amount of O2 in the atmosphere - Geology is the study of earth. Earth’s crust is divided into:
A. Ocean
B. Continents
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these - The phenomenon describing the formation of a blue-grey coloured layer at the bottom of the solum due to ferrous compounds is:
A. Gleization
B. Mineralization
C. Laterization
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B. Osteosclerosis
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A. Carbonation and oxidation
B. Hydrolysis and chelation
C. Hydrolysis and reduction
D. All of these - Which of the following is logical sequence of carbon cycle:
A. Photosynthesis-consumer-decomposer
B. Decomposer-consumer-photosynthesis
C. Photosynthesis-decomposer-consumer
D. Consumer-photosynthesis-decomposer - Which of the following serves as source of carbon in plants:
A. CO2 of carbonic rocks
B. Atmospheric CO2
C. Fossil fuel
D. All of the above - Mark the incorrect statement with reference to carbon cycle:
A. Lime rocks contribute to CO2 of water
B. Atmospheric CO2 gets dissolved in water
C. CO2 is returned by combustion of fuel
D. 75% of total carbon lies in geological component - The main role of bacteria in the carbon cycle involves:
A. Photosynthesis
B. Assimilation of nitrogenous compounds
C. Chemosynthesis
D. Digestion or breakdown of organic compounds - Carbon cycle includes:
A. Producer, consumer, decomposer
B. Producer, consumer, producer
C. Producer, decomposer, consumer
D. Consumer, producer, decomposer