A. Pak-Indian Border
B. Some parts of Cholistan
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these
Related Mcqs:
- Re-organization of protected area system is:
A. The basic scientific data being available on key ecosystems, sites
B. Species needing protection
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these - Actions/Interventions is:
A. Re-organization of protected area system
B. Commniity participation in the conservation and management of biodiversity
C. Development of Human Resources
D. Conservation Programmes
E. All of the above - Realising the need for a better management policy for wildlife, a high powered Wildlife, a high powered Wildlife Enquiry Committee, constituted by the Government of Pakistan presented their (draft) report in 1970, following which all the provinces and administrative unit promulgated their own Wildlife Act within administrative units promulgated their own Wildlife Act within a span of two years _______
A. 1974 and 1975
B. 1975 and 1976
C. 1976 and 1977
D. None of these - Management of terrestrial resources deals primarily with ________.
A. The manipulation of food, cover
B. Water either directly or through coordination measures
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these - The change is brought about by such individual and population factors is:
A. Birth rate
B. Morality
C. Immigration
D. Emigration
E. All of the above - The important waterfowl in Pakistan are:
A. Ducks (mallard, pintail, shoveler, pochard, gargeny, ruddy shelduck)
B. Geese (greyiage, bar-headed)
C. Coots, Flamingoes
D. Pelicans, Spoonbills
E. All of the above - ________ are found in the Indus River water below Chashma barrage:
A. Indus dolphin
B. Fishing cat
C. Smooth coated otter
D. All of the above - Thar Desert supports a fair population of _____ is found only here in the wild state:
A. Chinkara gazella
B. Peacock
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these - Himalayan foothills and the Potwar region including ______ are covered with the scrub forests which have been reduced to scanty growth at most of the places:
A. Salt Range
B. Kala Chitta Range
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these - Pakistan can be divided into how many biogeography provinces including:
A. Parmir
B. Korakoram highlands
C. Himalayan highlands
D. Anatolia – Iranian desert
E. All of the above
The correct answer to the question: "A small number of bluebull are found along the:" is "Both (a) & (b) ".