C. World Bank
D. Britain
Submitted by: Areesha Khan
The World Bank mediated the Indus Waters Treaty between India and Pakistan in 1960:
The Indus River is a vital resource for the regional economy, and water disputes between India and Pakistan had been ongoing since the partition of British India in 1947.
The World Bank’s former president, Eugene Black, led the negotiations, which lasted nine years.
The treaty established the rights and responsibilities of each country regarding the use of the Indus River system. It allocated the Ravi, Sutlej, and Bias Rivers to India, and the Chenab, Jhelum, and Indus Rivers to Pakistan.
Dispute resolution
The treaty also established a system for resolving disputes, with questions handled by a commission, differences resolved by a neutral expert, and disputes referred to a court of arbitration.
The Indus Waters Treaty has helped both countries expand their agriculture around the Indus River system. However, Pakistan has alleged that India has violated the treaty by building dams and other projects.
The correct answer to the question: "The Indus Water Treaty was mediated by ?" is "World Bank".