A. aluminium in steel results in excessive grain growth
B. manganese in steel induces hardness
C. nickel and chromium in steel help in raising the elastic limit and improve the resilience and ductility
D. tungsten in steels improves magnetic properties and hardenability
E. sulphur, phosphorous and lead im¬prove machining properties of steel
Engineering Materials
Engineering Materials
A. 70% copper and 30% zinc
B. 90% copper and 10% tin
C. 85-92% copper and rest tin with little lead and nickel
D. 70-75% copper and rest tin
E. 70-75% copper and rest zinc and tin
A. grey cast iron, low carbon steel, wrought iron
B. low carbon steel, grey cast iron, wrought iron
C. wrought iron,low carbon steel, grey cast iron
D. wrought iron, grey cast iron, low carbon steel
E. grey cast iron, wrought iron, low carbon steel
A. 50 : 50
B. 40 : 60
C. 60 : 40
D. 10 : 90
E. 90 : 10
A. 50 : 50
B. 40 : 60
C. 60 : 40
D. 20 : 80
E. 80 : 20
A. nickel, copper and iron
B. nickel, copper and zinc
C. copper, nickel and antimony
D. iron, zinc and bismuth
E. antimony, copper and zinc
A. 63 to 67% nickel and 30% copper
B. 88% copper and 10% tin and rest zinc
C. alloy of tin, lead and cadmium
D. malleable iron and zinc
E. none of the above
A. 94% aluminium, 4% copper and 0.5% Mn, Mg, Si and Fe
B. 92.5% aluminium, 40% copper, 2% nickel, and 1.5% Mg
C. 10% aluminium and 90% copper
D. 90% magnesium and 9% aluminium with some copper
E. 94% aluminium and 6% tin
A. 0.5% of phosphorous
B. 1% phosphorous
C. 2.5% phosphorous
D. 5% phosphorous
E. none of the above
A. copper, zinc and iron
B. iron, nickel and copper
C. iron, lead and tin
D. iron, aluminium and magnesium
E. copper, zinc and antimony