A. Metamorphic rocks
B. Sedimentary rocks
C. Igneous rocks
D. All of the above
Submitted by: Mansoor Ul Haque
Everyday Science Mcqs. Here you will find the General Science Multiple Choice Questions Mcqs are from Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Atmospheric Studies. Everyday Science Online Test 2 Mcqs Preparation Practice Questions. All Important Abbreviation related to Everyday Science in MCQs. General Science mcqs and Scientific facts MCQs. Everyday Science MCQs with Answers.
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A. Metamorphic rocks
B. Sedimentary rocks
C. Igneous rocks
D. All of the above
Submitted by: Mansoor Ul Haque
A. Changa Manga Forest
B. Amazon Forest
C. Sundarbans Forest
D. None of the above
Submitted by: Mansoor Ul Haque
A. Earthquake Center
B. Epicenter
C. Gravitational Center
D. Geological Center
Submitted by: Mansoor Ul Haque
A. Storage of water in a large reservoir
B. Generation of electricity
C. Control of floods
D. All of the above
Submitted by: Mansoor Ul Haque
A. Vitamin B6
B. Vitamin B12
C. Vitamin K
D. Vitamin E
Submitted by: WIQAR AHMAD
A. Insulin
B. Vitamin K
C. Melanin
Submitted by: WIQAR AHMAD
A. Retina
B. Iris
C. Cornea
D. Pupal
Submitted by: WIQAR AHMAD
A. Roasting
B. Oxidation
C. Zone Refining
D. Electrolysis
Submitted by: WIQAR AHMAD
A. Magnesium and Lead
B. Aluminium and Zinc
C. Aluminium and Magnesium
D. Aluminium and Mercury
Submitted by: WIQAR AHMAD
A. Lead
B. Iron
C. Mercury
D. Copper
Submitted by: WIQAR AHMAD
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