A. Field Capacity (FC)
B. Maximum water holding capacity
C. Hygroscopic coefficient
D. Permanent wilting point
Submitted by: Shafiq-ur-Rehman
Agriculture Mcqs for Preparation of FPSC, KPPSC, PPSC , SPSC, BPSC, NTS OTS ETEA and other tests. These Mcqs are helpful for Agriculture Students who are preparing for job of Agriculture Research Officer , Agricultural Food Scientist, Agricultural Inspector, Agronomist etc.
1. Agricultural Economics | 2. Agronomy | ||
3. Animal husbandry | 4. Entomology | ||
5. Food Technology | 6. Horticulture | ||
7. Plant Breeding and Genetics | 8. Plant Pathology | ||
9. Soil Science | 10. Water Management |
A. Field Capacity (FC)
B. Maximum water holding capacity
C. Hygroscopic coefficient
D. Permanent wilting point
Submitted by: Shafiq-ur-Rehman
A. Hydrophytes
B. Hygrophytes
C. Both a & b
D. None of these
Submitted by: Shafiq-ur-Rehman
A. Sugar, celluloses, hemicelluloses
B. Proteins, lignins
C. Waxes, lipids
D. All of the above
Submitted by: Shafiq-ur-Rehman
A. Pakistan Association of Research Centers
B. Pakistan Agricultural Research Council
C. Pakistan Academy of Resource Conservation
D. Pakistan Alliance for Rural Communities
Submitted by: Muti-Ullah Makhmal
A. National Association of Research Centers
B. National Agricultural Research Centre
C. National Academy of Resource Conservation
D. National Alliance for Rural Communities
Submitted by: Muti-Ullah Makhmal
A. G.N. Agrios
B. Anton de Bary
C. Stanley
D. Milardit
Submitted by: Muhammad Omer
A. Beijerinck
B. Watson and Crick
C. Stanley
D. Adolf Mayer
Submitted by: Muhammad Omer
A. Increase in Soil pH
B. Decrease in soil pH
C. Remains same
D. None of the them
Submitted by: Mir Qambar Baloch
A. 2.6 Mg/m³
B. 1.6 Mg/m³
C. 1.3Mg/m³
D. None of them
Submitted by: Mir Qambar Baloch
A. Leaching
B. Capillary water
C. Infiltration
D. All of them
Submitted by: Mir Qambar Baloch
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