A. Flavor
B. Texture
C. Physiological age
D. All the above
A. pH changes
B. Oxidative system
C. Chloroplry lases
D. All the above
A. Grape
B. Banana
C. Lemon
D. Pineapple
A. Leucoplast
B. Chloroplast
C. Phagoplast
D. Amyloplast
A. Jelly formation at acidic pH
B. Soubulization of pectate of middle lamelle
C. Conversion of starch in sugar
D. Incorporation of pectate in middle lamella
A. Love
B. Peace
C. Friendship
D. All the above
A. Vitamins
B. Proteins
C. Lipids
D. Carbohydrates
A. Short day plant
B. Long day plant
C. Day-neutral plant
D. None of the above
A. Vitamins
B. Minerals
C. Carbohydrates
D. All the above
A. Rhizocotina solani
B. Phytopatinara infeston
C. Phytophuthora spesies
D. Phytophatara cupsa