A. Autolysis
B. Lipolysis
C. Proteolysis
D. non of these
Related Mcqs:
- The break down of fatty material is referred to as____________________?
A. Autolysis
B. Lipolysis
C. Proteolysis
D. None of above - The anerobic or partially anaerobic dxidation of carbohydrates with the help of enzymes is called as____________________?
A. Preservation
B. Fermentation
C. Dehydration
D. Pasteurization - The geometrical device that helps in visnalizing all the possible combinations of male and female gametes known as____________________?
A. Punneu square
B. Morgan square
C. Mendel square
D. Bateson square - Superiority of heterozygote in respect to one or more traits in comparison to corresponding homozygote is known as____________________?
A. Heterocyst
B. Hetropyenosis
C. Hypostasis
D. Epistastasis - Occurrence of cells in diploid organisms containing multiples of the 2n genomes is known as____________________?
A. Allopolyploid
B. Amphidiploids
C. End polyploidy
D. Aneupoidy - A cross of unlike organisms is termed as____________________?
A. Hybrid
B. Heterosis
C. Backcross
D. None of the above - Organisms that can synthesize all their substances from simple inorganic molecules are termed as____________________?
A. Audacious
B. Autotrophic
C. Heterotrophic
D. Phototrophic - Fleshy fruits developed from the ovary wall with out stony layer are known as____________________?
A. Pome
B. Berry
C. Drupe
D. None of the above - Anaerobic respiration is known as____________________?
A. Transportation
B. Sterilization
C. Fermentation
D. Ripening - Accumulation of soluble salts root zone is known as____________________?
A. Desodication
B. Sodication
C. Degradation
D. Salininzation