A. Inbreed lines
B. Multi lines
C. Pure lines
D. All the above
Related Mcqs:
- When a wheat variety with red kernels (homozygous for two non allelic and independent dominant genes) is crossed with white kenneled wheat (homozygous for two recessive non allelic independent genes), the phenotypic ratio in the F2 generation would be________________?
A. 9:3:3:1
B. 9:7
C. 9:9:9:3:3:3:1
D. 1:4:6:4:1 - A useful process for determining whether an individual is homozygous or heterozygous is_____________________?
A. Cross breeding
B. Back crossing
C. Self fertilization
D. Inbreeding - The crossing of a yomozygous tall plant and a homozygous dwarf plant would yield plants in the ratio of_________________?
A. 2 tall: 2 dwarf
B. All homozygous dwarf
C. All the heterozygous tall
D. One homozygous tall, one homozygous dwarf, two heterozygous tall - If a heterozygous tall plant is crossed with a homozygous dwarf plant the proportion of dwarf progerry will be__________________?
A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 75%
D. 100% - If the frequency of a dominant phenotype in a stable population in 75% the frequency of the dominant allele in that population is____________________?
A. 50%
B. 75%
C. 25%
D. 40$ - A heterogeneous population include_______________?
A. Composites
B. Multi lines
C. Synthetic
D. All the above - Difference between mean phenotypic value of the progeny of selected plants and the parental population is known as__________________?
A. Genetic gain
B. Genetic advance
C. Heritability
D. Coheritability - In a population gene frequencies remain constant when there is_________________?
A. Iubreeding
B. Out breeding
C. Random mating
D. Selective mating - The spread of genes from one breeding population to another by migration which may result in changes in gene frequency is called__________________?
A. Gene flow
B. Genetic drift
C. Gene frequency
D. None of the above - In random mating population gene frequencies remain constant generation after generation in the absence of__________________?
A. Mutation
B. Selection
C. Migration
D. Random drift