A. Composites
B. Multi lines
C. Synthetic
D. All the above
Related Mcqs:
- If the frequency of a dominant phenotype in a stable population in 75% the frequency of the dominant allele in that population is____________________?
A. 50%
B. 75%
C. 25%
D. 40$ - Difference between mean phenotypic value of the progeny of selected plants and the parental population is known as__________________?
A. Genetic gain
B. Genetic advance
C. Heritability
D. Coheritability - Homozygous population include_________________?
A. Inbreed lines
B. Multi lines
C. Pure lines
D. All the above - In a population gene frequencies remain constant when there is_________________?
A. Iubreeding
B. Out breeding
C. Random mating
D. Selective mating - The spread of genes from one breeding population to another by migration which may result in changes in gene frequency is called__________________?
A. Gene flow
B. Genetic drift
C. Gene frequency
D. None of the above - In random mating population gene frequencies remain constant generation after generation in the absence of__________________?
A. Mutation
B. Selection
C. Migration
D. Random drift - The spread of genes from one breeding population to another by migration which may result in changes in gene frequency is called________________?
A. Gene flow
B. Genetic drift
C. Gene frequency
D. None of the above - Herkogamy is found in___________________?
A. Barley
B. Berseen
C. Lucrene
D. Alfalfa - Anthesis starts in wheat at__________________?
A. 10.00 am
B. 5.20 pm
C. 1.15 pm
D. 7.00 am - The term micro and macro environment was given by___________________?
A. Robinson (1948)
B. Lemer (1954)
C. Perkins (1971)
D. Comstock and Moll (1963)