A. 5th
B. 6th
C. 8th
D. 11th
Submitted by: Haziq
Rafael Mariano Grossi, the new Director General will be the IAEA’s sixth head since it was founded in July 29, 1957. Yukiya Amano of Japan was the IAEA’s fifth Director General. He was first appointed to the office effective December 2009 and reappointed in 2013 and 2017. He passed away on 18 July 2019. He followed Mohamed ElBaradei, IAEA Director General from 1997 to 2009; Hans Blix, IAEA Director General from 1981 to 1997; Sigvard Eklund, IAEA Director General from 1961 to 1981; and Sterling Cole, IAEA Director General from 1957 to 1961.