A. Point
B. Data
C. Datum
D. Statistic
Submitted by: Nimra Shaheen
Related Mcqs:
- A numerical value calculated from sample is called____________?
A. Mathematics
B. Economics
C. Statistic
D. None of these - Statistic is a numerical quantity, which is calculated from?
A. Population
B. Sample
C. Data
D. Observations - The collection of numerical facts is called_________?
A. Data
B. Datum
C. Statistic
D. RawSubmitted by: Nimra Shaheen
- The degree to which numerical data tend to spread about an average value is a________________?
A. Range
B. variance
C. Minimum
D. Dispersion - For a probability density function (pdf), the probability of a single point is_____________?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 0
D. Constant - _________ is an estimate expressed by a single value?
A. C.I.
B. Point estimator
C. Parameter
D. Point estimate - Single number which shows ___________ changes in a phenomenon is called an Index Number?
A. Overall
B. Same
C. Variation
D. Capable - The mean of a distribution is 14 and the standard deviation is 5. What is the value of the coefficient of variation ?
A. 60.4%
B. 48.3%
C. 35.7%
D. 27.8% - The measure of dispersion is changed by a change of_____________?
A. Origin
B. Scale
C. Algebraic Signs
D. None - If β2=m4m22<3, the distribution is called______________?
A. Normal
B. Mesokurtic
C. Leptokurtic
D. Platykurtic