A. Social welfare theory
B. Theory of natural rights
C. Historical theory of rights
D. None of the above
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A. “Lay the facts aside, as they do not affect the question.”
B. He blamed a maid and remained silent when she was punished
C. He immediately confessed
D. He ran awa but not before returning the stolen items - Exponents of historical theory of rights believe that the rights:
A. Have been given by the society
B. Are the product of evolution
C. Are given by the sovereign
D. Are of divine origin - Theory of natural rights has been criticised because it makes rights:
A. Too flexible
B. Too rigid
C. Too static
D. Too un-understandable - Which one of the following rights are more fundamental in the sense that other rights are dependent on them?
A. Economic Rights
B. Civil Rights
C. Political Rights
D. Constitutional Rights - The rights which are supposed to have been enjoyed by the people even in the state of nature are called:
A. Fundamental rights
B. Moral rights
C. Civil rights
D. Natural rights
E. Legal rights - The Political rights are those rights:
A. Which provide a voice to the people in the political affairs of the state
B. Which provide a voice to the people in the political affairs of the state
C. Which are enforced by the court
D. Which are of compulsory nature - The Fundamental Rights imply the rights:
A. Which are indispensable for the growth of human personality
B. Which a man inherits from nature at the time of his birth
C. Which are enforced by the state
D. Which impose no obligation on a state - The important rights enjoyed by the people in the state of nature, says Locke were:
A. Right to life, liberty and property
B. Right to religion, worship and conscience
C. Right to participate in affair of government
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A. Thomas Hobbes
B. Bentham
C. Locke
D. Karl Marx
E. Hegel - Who of the following scholars, is associated with the Theory of Natural Rights?
A. Locke
B. Bentham
C. Green
D. Karl Marx