A. Eratosthenes
B. Plato
C. Diophantus
D. Eppipides
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- _________ is one of the “big three” in ancient Greek philosopher, along with Plato and Aristotle:
A. Aristophanes
B. Socrates
C. Xemophon
D. None of these - Specially for Plato’s writings referring to Socrates, it is not always clear which ideas brought forward by Socrates (or his friends) actually belonged to Socrates and which of these may have been new additions or elaborations by Plato- this is known as the:
A. Socratic Problem
B. Platoic Problem
C. Soitic Problem
D. Aristocratic Problem - Especially for Plato’s writings referring to Socrates, it is not always clear which ideas brought forward by Socrates (or his friends) actually belonged to Socrates and which of these may have been new additions or elaborations by, Plato – this is known as the:
A. Socratic Problem
B. Platonic Problem
C. Soitic Problem
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A. Plato
B. Aristotle
C. Socrates is cold-hearted
D. None of these - Name the ancient philosopher who wrote “The Republic”:
A. Eratosthenes
B. Plato
C. Diophantus
D. Eppipides - _________ was a Classical Greek philosopher, mathematician, writer of philosophical dialogues, and founder of the Academy in Athens, the first Institution of higher learning in the Western world:
A. Plato
B. Aristotle
C. Socrates
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A. Socrates
B. Jacques-Louis David
C. Aristotle
D. Xenophon - “I know that I know nothing” is a well-known saying which is attributed to the Greek philosopher:
A. Socrates
B. Jacques-Louis Davi
C. Aristotle
D. Xenophon - Socrates was a Greek ___________?
A. Philosopher
B. Singer
C. Composer
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A. Crito
B. Meno
C. The Apology
D. Timaeus