A. 1 – 18 days
B. 19 – 55 days
C. 56 – 85 days
D. II trimester
Related Mcqs:
- Which of the following viruses are most likely to cross placenta and cause foetal defect ?
A. Herpes Simplex
B. Mumps
C. Rubella
D. Papilloma - Venous malformation involving the leptomeninges of the cerebral cortex is salient feature of_____________?
A. Rendu-Osler-Weber disease
B. Maffuci’s syndrome
C. Angioosteohypertrophy syndrome
D. Sturge weber syndrome - The anticogulant of choice during pregnancy is______________?
A. Warfarin sodium
B. Sodium oxalate
C. Heparin
D. Phenindone - Drug which is most unsafe during pregnancy is____________?
A. Ethambutol
B. Streptomycin
C. Kanamycin
D. B & C - Which one of the anti hypertensives is contraindicated in pregnancy ?
A. Hydralazine
B. a-Methldopa
C. Nifedipine
D. Enlapril - One of the benzodiazepines (BDZ) comparatively safe in pregnancy is (Category-B) ?
A. Alprozolam
B. Zolpidem
C. Lorazepam
D. None of the above - Salicylate administration is contraindicated in pregnancy because_______________?
A. It delay onset of labour
B. Causes pulmonary hypertension of newborn
C. Readily croses placental barrier
D. All of these - The increase in size of uterus during pregnancy is an example of ________________?
A. Hyperplasia
B. Hypertrophy
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above - Melanin pigmentation in pregnancy is known as______________?
A. Melasma
B. Melanoma
C. Epulis
D. Melanosis - Acquired, symmetric hyper pigmentation of the sun exposed skin of the face & neck which is strongly associated with pregnancy & use of oral contraceptives is called as_______________?
A. Melanoma
B. Cafe-au-lait-spots
C. Freckle
D. Melasma