A. Hyperkeratosis
B. Plasma cell infiltration within the dermal papilae
C. Clinically, a paint like patch
D. A moist shiny lesion
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- Presence of Epstein Barr virus in hairy leukoplakia can be demonstrated using following methods EXCEPT_____________?
A. Tzanck smear
B. Polymerase chain reaction
C. In situ hybridization
D. Electron microscopy - Oral hairy leukoplakia is seen in which of the following conditions ?
B. Hepatitis B
C. Smoker’s keratitis
D. Candidiasis - Most common site of oral leukoplakia is______________?
A. angle of mouth
B. cheek mucosa
C. Soft palate
D. Gingiva - Leukoplakia with the worst prognosis is seen on the_____________?
A. Dorsum of tongue
B. Floor of mouth
C. Buccal mucosa
D. Palate - Which type of candidiasis is associated with leukoplakia is______________?
A. Acute pseudomembranous candidiasis
B. Acute atrohpic candidiasis
C. Chronic atrophic candidiasis
D. Chronic hyperplastic candidiasis - Oral hairy leukoplakia is seen in AIDS patients. The most likely site of appearance is_______________?
A. Lateral borders of tongue
B. Sublingual muosa
C. Soft palate
D. Buccal mucosa - All the following features of skull of a newborn are true except_____________?
A. Diploe not formed
B. Styloid process has not fused with rest of temporal bone
C. Anterior fontanelle open
D. Mastoid process is of adult size - following are the features of cretinism, except_____________?
A. Pot- belly
B. Idiotic look
C. Normal intelligence
D. Stunted growth - Collagen molecule exhibits all of the following features except_____________?
A. Triple pleated sheath
B. Mostly contains glycine residues
C. Exhibit cross striations at 64 Ξm
D. Intracellular in nature - The articular cartilage is characterized by all of the following features except_____________?
A. It is devoid of perichondrium
B. It has a rich nerve supply
C. It is avascular
D. It lacks the capacity to regenerate