A. Mandibular first molar
B. Maxillary first molar
C. Mandibular second molar
D. Maxillary second molar
Related Mcqs:
- While charting the dentition of a child, the pedodontist finds that the following teeth are present in all the four quadrants; permanent central incisor , permanent lateral incisor , decidous cuspid , decidous first molar, decidous 2nd molar and permanent 1st molar. The eruptive pattern may be considered most nearly normal for a child aged_____________?
A. 3-6 years
B. 7-10 years
C. 11-14 years
D. 15- 18 years - A 4-year old child has a normal complemented of primary teeth but they are gray and exhibit extensive occlusal and incisal wear. Radiographic examination indicates extensive deposits of secondary dentin in these teeth. Most likely this condition is______________?
A. Neonatal hypoplasia
B. Amelogenesis imperfecta
C. Cleidocranial dysplasia
D. Dentinogenesis imperfecta - The direction of enamel rods in decidous teeth is_____________?
A. Same as permanent teeth
B. Inclined in an apical direction in the cervical third of crown
C. Inclined in an occlusal direction in the cervical third of crown
D. None of the above - Among the difference between teeth in the decidous and the permanent dentition is that_____________?
A. Buccal surfaces of the permanent molars are flatter
B. Cervical ridges are more pronounced in permanent molars
C. Root trunks of decidous teeth are larger compared with their overall root lengths
D. Crowns of decidous incisors are wider mesiodistally than their cervico incisal lengths - A 20yr old patient reports with multiple swelling of the jaws. Clinical examination reveals multiple hard swellings involving the jaws and intra orally several missing teeth are noticed. Panoramic radiograph reveals multiple radio opaque lesions in the maxilla and the mandible with multiple impacted teeth and supernumerary teeth indicative of Gardeners syndrome: The above mentioned condition is______________?
A. Autosomal dominant disease
B. Autosomal recessive disorder
C. X-linked disease
D. A syndrome of unknown cause - Which of the following teeth have more than one occlusal form____________?
A. Maxillary 1st premolar
B. Maxillary 2nd premolar
C. Maxillary 1st molar
D. Mandibular 1stmolar - A child has 12 permanent and 12 decidous teeth, what is his age____________?
A. 8½ years
B. 11½ years
C. 4½ years
D. 13½ years - Calcification of roots of decidous teeth is completed by_____________?
A. 2 years
B. 4 years
C. 6 years
D. 8 years - Which four mandibular teeth are so aligned that when viewed from the occlusal, a straight line may be drawn bisecting the contact areas_____________?
A. 5,6,7,8
B. 4,5,6,7
C. 3,4,5,6
D. - Maximum contact between occlusal surfaces, of maxillary and mandibular teeth occur during________________?
A. Centric occlusion
B. Rest position
C. Protrusive contacts
D. Laterotrusive contacts