B. HA + (S~A) HA
C. HA + ^^-H
D. HA + ^^-H
E. HA + ^^-HA
Related Mcqs:
- If a worker gets a daily wage of Rs HA, then according to Rowan plan, his maximum daily earnings can be______________________?
A. 2 HA
B. 1.33 HA
C. 1.5 HA
D. 1.15 HA
E. 2.5 HA - In Lincoln plan (one type of group incentive plan), the amount of the profit which an .employee receives in addition to the guaranteed basic _________________?
pay/wages, is based on :
A. a standard rating system
B. a merit rating system
C. a job evaluation system
D. his individual performance
E. all of the above - Increase in pressure at the outer edge of a drum of radius R due to rotation at corad/sec, full of liquid of density p will be___________________?
A. pco2/?2
B. pco2/?2/2
C. 2pa2R2
D. pa2R/2
E. none of the above - For a floating body to be in stable equilibrium, its metacentre should be___________________?
A. below the center of gravity
B. below the center of buoyancy
C. above the center of buoyancy
D. between e.g. and center of pressure
E. above the center of gravity - When the flow parameters at any given instant remain same at every point, then flow is said to be___________________?
A. quasi static
B. steady state
C. laminar
D. uniform
E. static - One of the basic essentials of an incentive plan is that_________________?
A. a differential piece rate system should exist
B. minimum wages should be guaranteed
C. provide incentive to group efficiency performance
D. all standards should be based on optimum standards of production
E. all standards should be based on time studies - Standard time as compared to normal time is_______________?
A. greater
B. smaller
C. equal
D. there is no such correlation
E. none of the above - In Halsey 50-50 plan, output standards are established______________?
A. by time study
B. from previous production records
C. from oneโs judgement
D. all of the above
E. none of the above - The allowed time for a job equals standard time plus___________________?
A. policy allowance
B. interference allowance
C. process allowance
D. learning allowance
E. unforeseen allowance - The time required to complete a task is established and a bonus is paid to the worker for every hour he saves from the established time required. This type of incentive plan is known as_________________?
A. Rowan Plan
B. Bedaux Plan
C. Taylor Differential Piece rate system
D. Halsey Premium plan
E. Day work plan