A. 363, Cr.P.C
B. 364, Cr.P.C
C. 365, Cr.P.C
D. None of above
Related Mcqs:
- Under section 503, of Cr.P.C Court of Session or High Court shall appoint __________ as commission for recording of evidence of a witness?
A. Any person
B. Any Magistrate f 1st class
C. Any Magistrate 2nd class
D. None of above - O. XVIII, Rule 5, of C.P.C. deals with recording of evidence before?
A. Trial Court
B. Appellate Court
C. Revisional Court
D. None of the these - A medical practitioner witness__________ to take oath before recording evidence?
A. Needs
B. Not need
C. Have discretion
D. All of above - A medical practitioner witness _____________ to take oath before recording evidence?
A. Needs
B. Not need
C. Have discretion
D. All of above - The question while recording evidence by police officer under section 161, of Cr.P.C must be ________ by witness?
A. Rejected
B. Accepted
C. Answered
D. None of above - Section 365 deals with recording of evidence in______________?
A. Magistrates Court
B. Session Court
C. High Court
D. None of above - Section __________ deals with recording of evidence in absence of accused?
A. 510 Cr.P.C
B. 512 Cr.P.C
C. 514 Cr.P.C
D. None of above - If it is proved that the summons or notices were duly served upon the defendant and defendant failed to appear before the Court on the fix date the Family Court may proceed exparte as provided by section __________________?
A. 9(5)(a)
B. 9(5)b
C. 9(5)(c)
D. None of the above - As per section 21-H, any confession made by the accused during investigation without being compelled, before a police officer not below the rank of _________ is admissible in evidence against him if the Court so deems fit ?
A. Inspector
B. Deputy Superintendent of Police
C. District Superintendent of Police
D. All of above - The evidence recorded under section 161, by police officer is __________ type of evidence?
A. Substantial
B. Corroborative
C. Authentic
D. None of above