A. Qatl-i-amd
B. Qatl shib-i-amd
C. Qatl-i-khata
D. None of these
Related Mcqs:
- Whoever, with the intention of causing death or with the intention of causing bodily injury to a person, by doing an act which in the ordinary course of nature is likely to cause death, or with the knowledge that his act is so imminently dangerous that it must in all probability cause death, causes the death of such person is said to commit________________?
A. Qatl-i-amd
B. Qatl-i-Khata
C. Qatl shibh-i-amd
D. None of these - Whoever without any intention to cause death of or causes harm to, a person, causes death of such person either by mostake of act or by mistake of fact, is said to commit ____________________?
A. Qatl-i-amd
B. Qatl shibah-i-amd
C. Qatl-i-khata
D. None of these - Whoever, without any intention to cause death of, or cause harm to, any person, does any lawful act which becoms a cause for the death of another person is said to commit_________________?
A. Qatl-bis-sabab
B. Qatl-i-amd
C. Qatl shibh-i-amd
D. None of these - Whoever causes pain, harm, disease, infirmity or injury to any person or impairs, disables, disfigures, defaces or dismembers any organ of the body or part therof any person without causing his death is said to______________________?
A. Cause hurt
B. Cause jurh
C. Cause injury
D. None of these - Whoever takes or entices away any woman with intent that she may have illicit intercourse with any person, or conceals or detains with that intent any woman, shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to ?
A. Three years
B. Five years
C. Seven years
D. None of these - A in order to cause hurt strikes Z with a stick or stone which in ordinary course of nature is likely to cause death. Z dies as a result of such hurt. A shall be guilty of____________________?
A. Qatl-i-khata
B. Qatl shibah-i-amd
C. Qatl-i-amd
D. None of these - Whoever causes on any part of the body of a person, other than the head or face, a hurt which leaves a mark of the worund, whether permanent or temporary is said to cause ____________________?
A. Shajjah
B. Jurh
C. Jaifah
D. None of these - Any harm whatever illegally caused to any person, in body, mind, reputation or property is called_______________?
A. Harm
B. Injury
C. Hurt
D. None of these - Whoever uses Government stamp fraudulently or with intent to cause loss to government he has committed offence under section __________ P.P.C?
A. 242, P.P.C.
B. 262, P.P.C.
C. 272, P.P.C.
D. None of these - A unlawfully figs a pit in the thoroughfare, but without any intention to cause death of, or harm to, any person. B while passing from there falls in it and is killed. A has committed__________________?
A. Qatl-bis-sabab
B. Qatl shibah-i-amd
C. None of above
D. None of these