A. Manager of bank
B. Post master
C. Parole Officer
D. Assisant Director
Related Mcqs:
- Order_____ deals with transfer of parolee bank account to post office where finally the wants to settle and handover the pass book to him?
A. 53
B. 53A
C. 54
D. None of above - Under Order 50 of the Executive Orders on Parole an account for parolee shall be opened with_________________?
A. Post Office Savings
B. Bank
C. Local Co-operative Banks
D. Any one of above - Under Order 28 of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 the Parole Officer shall, at the expenses of __________ provides articles (chorpoys, beddings, cooking utensils) to the parolee?
A. His own
B. NGO’s funds
C. Government
D. None of above - Under Order 41 of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 if a parolee mis-behaves, while released on parole he shall in addition to any punishment to which he may be liable under the ordinary law be punished with________________?
A. Forfeiture of remission of whatever he earned
B. Imprisonment of two years
C. Imprisonment of three years
D. None of above - As per Order 46 of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 casual leave may be granted to parolee under_______________?
A. E.O.P. Act
B. G.C.P.Act
C. G.C.P.P.R. Act
D. None of above - Under Order 46 Clause_____ a register showing the leave earned and taken by parolee shall be kept by the Parole Officer, and the Assistant Director shall keep a record of all leave granted?
A. (VII)
C. (IX)
D. None of above - Under Order 39 of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 A parolee eligible for remission under these orders, who for a period of one year has not committed any offence shall be awarded_____ day remission as A.G.C.P?
A. Forty days
B. Thirty days
C. Twenty days
D. Fifteen days - As per Order 47 clause_____ causal leave may be earned by a parolee under the Act by means of approved work and good conduct at the rate of________ per six months?
A. Five days
B. Ten days
C. Fifteen days
D. None of above - Under Order 52, after the parolee released has been finally released an intimation to this effect shall be sent by he Parole Officer to the Assistant Dirctor in Form?
A. 3.23
B. 3.24
C. 3.25
D. None of above - Order 8, of the Executive Orders on Parole, 1934 deals with duty of ________________ for preparation of roll of prisoners to be released on parole?
A. Parole Officer
B. Assistant Director
C. Director
D. Superintendent of Jail