A. Wajib
B. Farz
C. Sunnat
D. Mustahib
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The correct answer to the question: "Eid Prayer is __________ ?" is "Wajib".
eid prayer is Sunnat not wajid prayer.
Salat al-Eid is Wajib (necessary/mandatory) according to Hanafi scholars, Sunnah al-Mu’kkadah according to Maliki and Shaf’i jurisprudence, and Fard according to Hanbali scholars. Some scholars say it is fard al-ayn and some say it is fard al-kifaya.
In Maliki and shafi school thought but in hanfi it is (wajib)
Eid prayer is sunnah because it was not mentioned by the prophet that it is among the wajib prayers
i thing so you have not studied about quran “raza” please correct yourself dont spread false news