A. capturing several towns
B. massacring large number of civilians
C. advancing within four miles of the capital, Srinagar
D. all of these
Related Mcqs:
- To forestall his imminent overthrow by the advancing rebellion troops in Kashmir, what decision Maharaja did take?
A. requested military aid from India
B. decided to accede to India on October 06, 1947
C. both of these
D. none of these - When Soviet Deputy PM came to Pakistan and openly declared that problem of Kashmir should be decided by the will of the people?
A. 1954
B. 1955
C. 1956
D. 1957 - Indian Government accepted Maharaja’s accession and still sticks to that accession ignoring the will of the people. India’s military intervention on behalf of Maharaja led go to the first India-Pakistan war in 1947-1948. When both countries signed cease fire?
A. 1 January 1949
B. 1 January 1948
C. 1 January 1947
D. 1 January 1950 - The disputed territory after the partition of Indian Sub-continent in August 1947 was:
A. Kashmir
B. Siachin
C. Kishanganga
D. none of these - At the time of independent in 1947, Kashmir was asked to:
A. Join India
B. Join Pakistan
C. remain Independent
D. Join India or Pakistan according to its will - Pakistan and _____________ gained the membership of UNO on 30 September, 1947.
A. Iran
B. Iraq
C. Yemen
D. Albania - During the War of 1971, Russia openly sided with:
A. Pakistan
B. India
C. Both a & b
D. China - The percentage of Muslims in Jammu and Kashmir is:
A. 80
B. 75
C. 90
D. 95 - What was the percentage of Muslims in Kashmir according to the census of 1941?
A. 60%
B. 77%
C. 58%
D. 80% - Against the arbitrary and repressive rule of Dogra dynasty a movement from the platform of Kashmir Muslim conference led by Sh. Abdullah and Ch. Ghulam Abbas was launched which resulted into the first battle for freedom fought in
A. 1931
B. 1935
C. 1930
D. 1936