A. Wild conservation unit
B. Wild conservation union
C. World communiction union
D. World conservation union
Related Mcqs:
- Division of forest into stands on the basis of composition is / are:
A. Pure stand
B. Mixed stand
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these - Division of forest into stands on the bias of age is:
A. Even aged stand
B. Un-even aged stand (selection forest)
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these - Difference between pure and mixed stands is / are:
A. To temperature
B. To conditions favourability
C. To destruction
D. To extreme conditions favourability
E. All of the above - Division of forest into stands on the basis of density is / are:
A. The relative closeness of trees is called density
B. To closeness of crowns boles and roots
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these - The replacement of old forest stands by ______ is called regeneration.
A. New
B. Young
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these - MAB stands for:
A. Man and biology programme
B. Man and biosphere programme
C. Mammals and biosphere programme
D. Mammals and biology programme - BOD stands for:
A. Biotic oxygen deduction
B. Base of degradation
C. Biotic oxide demand
D. Biological oxygen demand - PAN stands for:
A. Peroxy acetyl nitrate
B. Peroxy acyl nitrite
C. Pyridine aceto-nitrite
D. Peroxy aceto-nitrile - COD stands for:
A. Caesium oxide deposition
B. Control of diesel
C. Chemistry of depositions
D. Chemical oxygen demand - Rhino has become a threated species on account of over exploitation for its:
A. Skin
B. Bones
C. Horn
D. Tusks
The correct answer to the question: "WCU stands for" is "World conservation union".