A. Watershed and Catchment
B. Land body and dimension depth
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these
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B. Cherposem
C. Biosystem
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B. Ecosphere
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B. 118,872
C. 181,872
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B. 2?4
C. 4?6
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B. 1,500
C. 300
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A. Act: Any law passed by any law making authority
B. Aquit: If the guilt is not proved, the person is acquitted. To set free somebody not found guilty of a crime
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E. All of the above - Watershed’ is preferred in U.S. Literature, and ‘Catchment’ is more common in _______ terminology:
A. English
B. German
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these
The correct answer to the question: "The terms _______ are used synonymously:" is "Watershed and Catchment ".