A. Tansley
B. Warming
C. Carl Mobius
D. S.C.Pandya
Related Mcqs:
- The term ‘Bio-magnification’ refers to the:
A. Growth of organism due to food consumption
B. Increase in population size
C. Blowing up of environmental issues by man
D. Increase in the concentration of non-degradable pollutants as they pass through food chain
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A. Reiter
B. Haeckel
C. Warming
D. Hilaire - The term smog coined by:
A. Tansley
B. Odum
C. Clements
D. Des Voeux - The term succession was coined by:
A. Tansley
B. Hult
C. Hodges
D. Kormondy - Bio-diversity means:
A. A contraction of biological diversity.
B. The range of variation or differences among
C. Some set of entities; biological diversity thus refers to variety within the living world
D. All of the above - The types of bio-diversity are:
A. Genetic diversity
B. Species diversity
C. Ecosystem diversity
D. All of the above - The word ecosystem was coined by:
A. Daubenmire/R.Misra/Koestle
B. Tansley
C. Weaver and Clements
D. Odum/Kormondy - The term reducer is applied to:
A. Decomposers
B. Detritivores
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. Heterotrophs - The term omnivore is applied to:
A. Herbivore and carnivore
B. Carnivore and detrivore
C. Herbivore and detrivore
D. All of these - The term homeostasis in an ecosystem refers to:
A. A feedback mechanism
B. A self-regulatory mechanism
C. State of equilibrium
D. Influence of production
The correct answer to the question: "The term ‘bio-coenosis’ was coined by:" is "Carl Mobius ".