A. National parks and sanctuaries
B. Sanctuaries and biosphere reserves
C. National parks and biosphere reserves
D. All of these
Related Mcqs:
- The aims and objectives of the new forest policy in the field of conservation of protected areas are:
A. Conserve all endangered and endemic species of wild fauna and flora in particular by ensuring the survival of the critical ecosystems that support such wildlife
B. Arrange periodic surveys of the country’s wildlife and its habitats to monitor ecological changes
C. Encourage private sector in captive breeding of wild animals, in particular the endangered species
D. All of the above - The categories and management objectives of protected areas are:
A. Scientific Reserve/Strict Nature Reserve
B. National Park
C. Natural Monument/Natural Landmark
D. Management Nature Reserve/Wildlife Sanctuary
E. All of the above - Endangered habitats or wildlife species could also be identified completely or partially outside the protected areas. Conservation programmes should therefore be addressed to:
A. Involvement of local communities. Work to be undertaken outside the protected area system, hence heavily based on community-led and managed activities, and awareness building
B. Educational programmes to reach the students at grass root level
C. Reduced hunting be the message to be conveyed to different offices
D. Promotion of non-chemical control of agricultural pests
E. All of the above - Migration flows: Some projects are undertaken to stop the movement of people from nural areas to urban areas / and:
A. Rural industry projects
B. Electrification of rural areas
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these - Several kinds of minor forest produce are available from the forested areas; these include _________
A. Flosses, medicinal plants
B. Gums, essential oils rosin and turpentine tannins
C. Silk and lack production
D. All of the above - Re-organization of protected area system is:
A. The basic scientific data being available on key ecosystems, sites
B. Species needing protection
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these - The terms used for various programmes of extending tree cover to non-forestry areas, used rather loosely in Indo-Pak subcontinent are:
A. Social forestry, farm forestry, agroforestry
B. Community forestry, environmental forestry, tree farming
C. Forest farming, village woodlots, small-scale forestry
D. All of the above - Winds – Hot and desiccating winds blow from _____ at the rate of 80-96 km per hour and decrease the efficiency of the already meager rainfall in the plains areas:
A. April to September
B. June to October
C. July to November
D. None of these - The black mushrooms (Morchella spp) are being collected from the temperate forest areas of ________.
A. Murree
B. Gallies
C. Kaghan
D. Swat
E. All of the above - The major tool in the hands of the Forest Departments to protect forest areas is the Forest Act of 1927. Its salient features are:
A. Government is the supreme owner of forestland
B. Forests have been classed as reserved forests, protected forests, unclassed forests and community forests (Guzara forests), according to the need of protection
C. Both (a) & (b)
D. None of these
The correct answer to the question: "The protected areas include:" is "All of these".